Steering roller system SRA83
A roller arrangement comprising two or three web guiding rollers pivots around an imaginary pivoting point in the infeed plane immediately in front of the actuator. Immediate corrections are made via the lateral movement. The additional skewed positioning provides continuous correction of the running web. Here, there must be traction between the web and the roller.
ELSWING steering roller systems are used predominantly in textile production systems for web guiding and spreading, where they are used for woven fabrics only.
The length of the entry path depends on the web properties. In the case of very flexible webs, the entry path should be at least one web width. The greater the surface stability of the web and the greater the necessary corrections, the longer the infeed run needs to be. By contrast, the outfeed plane to the locking roller downstream must be kept short. A vertical web run from top to bottom is preferred.
A = Web tension distribution at infeed | B = Web tension distribution at outfeed | K = Correction of the web travel | AB = Operating width | F1 = Basic web tension | F2 = Web tension distribution due to the deflection of the steering roller at the infeed | F3 = Web tension distribution due to the deflection of the steering roller at the outfeed | L1 = Infeed path to pivot | L2 = Infeed path from pivot to guide roller | L3 = Outfeed path | a = Correction angle | 1 = Imaginary pivot | 2 = Infeed roller/rod | 3 = Steering roller frame | 4 = Sensor | 5 = Locking roller |
- Infeed of knitted or woven fabrics to a process according to web edge or web center
- Manufactured in painted steel or high-grade steel
- Components: Digital controller, broadband sensor FE 45 and pneumatic actuator